
Inspironlabs | 3 August, 2022

How App can help you to increase your sales?

Written by Shivam Pandey

Pandemics unquestionably affected the world in a variety of ways. It changed how we shop as well as how we behave in general. In addition, the epidemic has ushered in a new era of e-Commerce, driven by lockdowns.

Online sales grew by 44% in the US in 2020 due to customers' increased reliance on e-Commerce. And this year, 2021, online shopping is expected to represent more than 50% of total retail sales in China, the country with the most developed e-Commerce sector worldwide.

Between 2021 and 2023, global e-Commerce sales are expected to rise by over $2 trillion. However, there is a catch to this exciting news for e-Commerce companies. Consumer behavior can still negatively impact firms, even when many new businesses have acquired start-up money.

Increased consumer expenditure is closely related to a rise in cart abandonment and a drop in customer satisfaction with online buying. One of the causes is that more and more customers are purchasing on their mobile devices, but not many merchants have created mobile apps to offer a smooth customer experience.

Build a user-friendly app

The apps we require and the ones we enjoy fall into two categories. Examples of the former include WhatsApp and Facebook, which are crucial tools that encourage users to interact and take action.

However, e-commerce companies quickly create free mobile apps to entice new clients. Still, they won't be able to provide clients with the same experiences as these social media goliaths.

Even though our phones can contain hundreds of apps, we only have time to use a select few daily. This does not imply that your company cannot provide a valuable service to your client.

If you just sell garments through your app, customers are unlikely to reach for their phones daily if you own a sports apparel firm. However, customers are more likely to use your app as a tool and check your products simultaneously if you design a mobile app containing weather warnings. You're attracting users to your app by providing them with something helpful. For example, use a newsletter campaign to inform your audience.

Develop an app that's simple to share

You created a great mobile application and conducted user testing to ensure that your users adore it. So, what comes next? Sales will only rise with a more extensive customer base, so get people to spread the word about your software.

The quickest & most straightforward strategy to increase your app downloads is to make your software available for free. Giving customers something for nothing can attract new clients for your business. Then you have the chance to show them your fantastic products and persuade them to buy.

Allow several payment options

Additionally, by offering redeemable points for each person they refer, current users could be encouraged to spread the word about the app.

You can encourage more downloads by enabling users to download your app for a better and more seamless experience on your website or SAAS landing page.

Through SEO and social media, you could also expand your audience. Provide a QR code to simplify it, so they don't need to visit the Google Play/App Store.

The quicker the experience, the more probable they will download your software. By using this method, many businesses have seen their daily download rate double, triple, or even quadruple.

Use app analytics to enhance your app

All successful businesses are built on the principle of continuous development. The formula used today could not be applicable tomorrow. Use outsourced software testing frequently to ensure your app performs as it should.

For your app to deliver valuable insights, your company should use an application performance management tool, which will enable you to monitor key app metrics and analyse app usage, much like the corporate search engine optimization you use for your website.

Use a newsletter platform to inform your audience

Remain in touch with your clients. If you ignore them, they'll forget about you. Sending updates and newsletters to customers via your mobile app demonstrates that your company is considering them.

Open up lines of communication and invite clients to contact you via social media, email, phone, or an in-app chat feature. The better, the more dialogue you have with your customers.

You don't want to appear to be actively barraging customers, though. Regular, but not excessive, content sharing is the key. Timing will vary based on your business. Newsletters from mobile carriers should be distributed less often than on boarding new consumers.

Additionally, remember the hectic lives of your customers. You shouldn't update them on everything you do in your newsletter. The most excellent tactic is to give the client essential takeaways.

Utilize this chance to be consistent with your branding; ensure that your newsletters have a consistent visual style and support your company's identity. Sending your readers a visually distinct monthly newsletter will confuse them and communicate the wrong impression.

Use push notification

Use push notifications badly at your risk. Push notifications are a tried-and-true method of driving client spending on your mobile app. You'll lose clients. Learn about tactics like automation testing to ensure that your alerts function correctly and produce the right results.

Your industry will determine the frequency and kind of push alerts your business sends. They can inform clients about a flash sale or discount day to channel clients at a specific moment. They might also be applied to guarantee enduring brand recognition.


Customers who purchase more of your company's products and services are said to be successful customers. The massive shift toward e-Commerce has presented both opportunities and challenges. A mobile app that offers clients a smooth experience and gives you the possibility to boost sales should make it simple for them to stay updated, shop, and pay for your business.

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